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Discount Code: WOMEN20
Offer: 20% Flat Discount
Minimum Order Value: INR 5,000
Discount Code: SILVER10
Offer: 10% Flat Discount
Minimum Order Value: INR 1,500
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- The discount is applied only when the active applicable coupon codes are used during checkout.
- Discounts are applicable only when cart size requirements are met.
- No two offers can be clubbed together and only one coupon code can be used in a single transaction.
- Products that are part of our new designs (Just In), our Aurum Gold collection (pure gold) or are already on sale may not be included in the offers.
- Some products or categories of products may not be included in all offers. Please see individual offer details.
- Offers are valid for a limited time only. Fourseven reserves the right to cancel the offers at any time without prior notice.